Each species of shark has unique and distinct teeth that allow them to survive and thrive in their environment. Their teeth are designed to help catch and eat their specific prey. Learn more about the teeth of six different shark species.

WHITE SHARK (Carcharodon carcharias)

The white shark’s serrated, razor sharp teeth are designed for grabbing and efficiently slicing through the robust tissues of marine mammals and large oceanic fish.

TIGER SHARK (Galeocerdo cuvier)

Tiger Sharks’ curved, can-opener shape of their teeth aids in securing a strong grip on prey. Their teeth are also adapted to saw through large prey, like sea turtles.


The Great Hammerhead shark has about 17 rows of bladelike teeth on their upper and lower jaws

NURSE SHARK (Ginglymostoma cirratum)

A nurse shark’s mouth contains rows of small, serrated teeth designed to crush hard-shelled prey.

SAND TIGER SHARK (Carcharias taurus)

Sand Tiger sharks teeth have sharp teeth arranged in three rows that protrude in all directions.


The broad saw-like teeth of the lower jaw is designed for sawing back and forth to cut larger prey into smaller pieces.