Have you ever wondered how white sharks track prey in the vast, open ocean? These apex predators are armed with an extraordinary suite of senses that make them unparalleled hunters in their aquatic domain. In this edition, we’re exploring the super senses of white sharks!

Smell: The Sniffing Superpower

White sharks have a sense of smell so powerful that they can detect a single drop of blood in an Olympic-sized swimming pool! Their keen noses allow them to track chemical trails through the ocean, making them expert detectives in murky waters where visibility is limited.

Sight: Eagle Eyes of the Ocean

Sharks are not just sniffing machines—they’re also visual hunters. White sharks can see well in low light, enabling them to hunt at dawn, dusk, or in deep waters. Their vision helps them differentiate shapes, sizes, and movement, which means they can recognize prey even in tricky lighting conditions.

Electrosensory System: Built-in Radar

One of the coolest features of white sharks is their ability to sense electric fields. Through tiny jelly-filled pores on their snouts, called the Ampullae of Lorenzini, sharks can detect the weak electrical signals emitted by living creatures—even those hiding under the sand.

Lateral Line: Feeling the Ocean’s Vibes

Sharks can detect vibrations and changes in water pressure through their lateral line system, a network of sensory cells running along their bodies. This ability helps them locate prey by sensing movement from a distance, even when they can’t see or smell it.

Watch To Learn More About Shark Senses